Thursday, August 26, 2010


Remember that show called "Kids say the darndest things?" I loved that show! Kids are so honest and usually say whatever comes to mind, which usually gives a good story to tell. I've had people tell me for years that I should write down all the funny things my girls say. The other day we were in the grocery store and Aleisha saw a cow skin on top of a barrel of hay. I had to explain what a cow skin was and she was extremely grossed out by the thought of it. When we passed back by she said, "Momma, that cow really got whacked!" I laughed so hard!

 So with that being said, I've started a book for both of my girls of funny little sayings. I wish I had done it years ago, because even now I've forgotten some of their silly little sayings or things that have happened. Just like looking back at old pictures brings back memories, I think these little books will do the same. Of course, I immediately went home and wrote down what Aleisha had said in the grocery store.. Hopefully we can look back one day and laugh at all the memories we've written down.

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