Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Today was Mother's Day! I was so blessed today, not by the cards, or flower's or gifts but by having family to spend it with. My mom came over and road to church with me this morning. We got there early because the first 200 mother's to arrive, received a $50 gift certificate. Whoo hoo! So, we're eating at Carrabba's on Thursday with our gift cards.

The girls looked beautiful today in their new dresses we bought for Mother's Day. Aleisha told me yesterday, "Momma, I'm going to tell you something tomorrow...but only after we eat lunch." She woke up this morning so excited that Mother's Day was here, she just couldn't wait. She said this morning, " Momma, it's here....Happy Mother's Day!" Kids are so hilarious sometimes.

After church we went to Samari for lunch and had sushi and hibachi. It was really good! During lunch Cecil gave me a card and at the bottom it read, "This card is good for one hot pink laptop." I wish he had ordered it early so I could enjoy it today, oh well. So tomorrow I'm ordering my new laptop, which I'll be using for school.

As I sit here, I am so thankful for all God has given me. He has blessed me with two beautiful girls. Motherhood is HARD work but at the end of each day is so rewarding. I'm so excited to see my girls and who they will become. Pastor prophesied over Cecil and I the other day and he said, God is anointing you to raise powerful children. He said, your children will have a mighty and powerful voice in their generation. People will look back after your children are grown and ask you, how did you raise such amazing children?

As parents our highest desire is to see our children serve God, fulfill their destiny and effect others for the Lord. We just have to pray it through and set the example to follow.
I'm ready for the journey!!