Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

There's just a few days left until Christmas, three to be exact. The girls are so excited! Aleisha wants a Moxie Girl and Aubrey wants a set of drums. I think that right there shows just how different my little girls are.

If you hadn't heard already we'll  be moving to Costa Rica on the 4th of January. Cecil preached in Peru, Nicaragua and Costa Rica this year several times. While in Costa Rica he heard of a school which teaches missionaries how to speak spanish. So, we've prayed about it for several months and decided it's God so, here we go! We'll be there for 8-12 months, then come back home here in the states. We'll all learn spanish! I'm excited and sad all in one. Happy about the adventure ahead of us but sad to leave all my family and friends for a year. So if you would please keep us in your prayers daily. Pray for our protection and that God would equip us to learn fast.

I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Be blessed!

Jada, Aubrey and Aleisha

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

October fun

My mom and sister made the girls a house out of cardboard. They even used crayola hand paint and painted the outside with their handprints and names. The girls played in it almost every day until it rained and the whole thing fell apart.

Remember when you were young and made a telephone out of string and cans? They had a lot of fun with it!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Green Coconut Play Dough

I went online this evening and got a recipe for homemade play dough  for the girls. For some reason when my niece is here with us the kids fight with each other. I hoped that making play dough would calm the madness. It worked!! So, we made green play dough and put some coconut extract in it so it would smell good.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Last Saturday was my birthday and I was so blessed by family and friends. Last year my brother Dustin was the only peron that remembered my birthday, so, everyone made up for it this year. Saturday night Cecil and I went to dinner with 6 of our friends. We laughed a lot, played jokes on one another and ate some really good food. Thanks everyone for making my birthday special. Below is a picture of Cecil and I and then me and Donna.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Labor Day

We spent Labor day with Aden, Mary and Kezia this year. We had brunch at their house and then went out on the boat. Aubrey was so scared that she covered her eyes the entire time. It was pretty funny!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Children's Mueseum of Houston

My friend Mary and I took our girls to the Childrens Museum today. As soon as we walked in I realized that as I child my mom had actually taken me there. I remember having so much fun! Only Aubrey and Kezia were able to go because Aleisha is now in school. I hate that she had to miss out on all the fun. It just doesn't seem fair to me. :(

There was a place to sit in front of a mirror where you could use these crayons to color on your skin. It think Aubrey went a little over board with it. After she finished my sister in law realized that a warning sign says, Do not paint on eyes or lips. Oooppppsss!

This picture is the first time she saw her blue lips.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Crazy Aubrey

Thank God I had my phone right beside me to catch this video. Aleisha and I were laughing so hard!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer Fun Has Begun!

Day at the beach.

We were making banana pudding. Aleisha loves
running around in her panties. Look at Aubrey
back there sucking down my coffee! That's sad,
I have to watch my coffee or she will drink the
whole thing. Look at Jada's goofy face. :)

About to slip n' slide.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Aubrey's 2nd Birthday!

Yesterday was Aubrey's 2nd birthday. Us girls went to have lunch and then headed to Jump N' Jungle. The girls had so much fun! Aubrey was so excited that she jumped completely out of the inflated jumper. I caught her upside down by one leg and her shirt right before she hit the ground head first. She thought that was funny! By the time we left both girls had beat red cheeks and Aubrey was gagging because she had gotten to hot. They had a blast.

Then, this afternoon we invited Kezia and her parents over for a small party here at the house. We grilled rosemary turkey burgers and the girls played in the swimming pool. Overall it was a fun birthday weekend. I can't believe my little baby is already two years old!! It fly's by.

When we sang happy birthday to Aubrey she got embarrassed and stuck her face in the cake. That's why she has icing on her four head.

She had the coolest Dora and Diego cake!
She refused to blow out her candle, so Daddy had to do it for her.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Today was Mother's Day! I was so blessed today, not by the cards, or flower's or gifts but by having family to spend it with. My mom came over and road to church with me this morning. We got there early because the first 200 mother's to arrive, received a $50 gift certificate. Whoo hoo! So, we're eating at Carrabba's on Thursday with our gift cards.

The girls looked beautiful today in their new dresses we bought for Mother's Day. Aleisha told me yesterday, "Momma, I'm going to tell you something tomorrow...but only after we eat lunch." She woke up this morning so excited that Mother's Day was here, she just couldn't wait. She said this morning, " Momma, it's here....Happy Mother's Day!" Kids are so hilarious sometimes.

After church we went to Samari for lunch and had sushi and hibachi. It was really good! During lunch Cecil gave me a card and at the bottom it read, "This card is good for one hot pink laptop." I wish he had ordered it early so I could enjoy it today, oh well. So tomorrow I'm ordering my new laptop, which I'll be using for school.

As I sit here, I am so thankful for all God has given me. He has blessed me with two beautiful girls. Motherhood is HARD work but at the end of each day is so rewarding. I'm so excited to see my girls and who they will become. Pastor prophesied over Cecil and I the other day and he said, God is anointing you to raise powerful children. He said, your children will have a mighty and powerful voice in their generation. People will look back after your children are grown and ask you, how did you raise such amazing children?

As parents our highest desire is to see our children serve God, fulfill their destiny and effect others for the Lord. We just have to pray it through and set the example to follow.
I'm ready for the journey!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Beach Day

My dad finally got married on April 18th after almost eight years of being single. I'm so happy for him! So, this week he and Susan are on their honeymoon in Galveston until they go on a cruise on Sunday. Today they invited us to come to Galveston for lunch and a day at the beach. The girls had a really good time and were completely wore out after we left.

Aleisha finally warmed up to the water after about 20 minues and surprisingly went out pretty deep. I think she just needed to know if she could trust my dad, and she finally did. She said at dinner tonight, " I went out so deep, I got salt water in my mouth. It was nasty!"

Aubrey loved chasing all the seagulls at the beach. For some reason she has this fascination with birds. While we're driving in the car she starts yelling at me if she sees one. "Birdy....birdy!!" That is what kept her busy today being as the water scared the mess out of her. Her feet got buried in the sand, and the water came to her waste and that was it. No more water for Aubrey!! Here's a picture of her after the fact. She didn't want to have anything to do with my dad after that, because she knew, he would take her back to the water. It was pretty funny.

Right now in Aubrey's diaper bag we have a collection of shells, all different colors, shapes and sizes. Aleisha stayed busy the whole day looking for shells. I'm glad she is old enough now, to really enjoy searching for shells and playing in the water.

Doesn't she remind you of a peronna here? This is the new smile she does if you tell her to smile for the camera.

Beautiful day! To bad Daddy had to work.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tumbling Class

Today was Aleisha's first day of tumbling class and she had a really good time. At first they had her name tag wrong so she ended up in the advanced class. The instructor had her doing back bends, cartwheels and tons of other stuff she had no idea how to do. She finally started crying and he sent her out. After talking with the girls at the front desk we realized they had written her name tag wrong and she was in an advanced class.

Anyhow, once she was in the beginning tumblers class she loved it. She was walking the balance beam, jumping on trampolines, crawling through tunnels and doing flips. I'm so excited that we found something she loves!

I really think it's going to be something that pulls her out of her shell. She is very shy most of the time, even around people she knows. I overheard a lady saying that having her daughter there totally changed her shy personality and made her a very bold little girl. Hopefully it will be the same for Aleisha.

The end of the class was so cute to watch. They did the hokie pokie and got purple TERRIFIC stamps on both hands and feet. She was so excited afterwards that she told me everything they did, as if I hadn't been watching. LOL!